
Your personal reading companion designed to help you cultivate and elevate your reading habits.

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The Approach

Manage Your Library

Organize your book collection and track your progress for each book. Filter your books by finished, currently reading, and not started.Organize your book collection and track your progress for each book. Filter your books by finished, currently reading, and not started.

Review Your Progress

Track your progress for each book and gain valuable insights. See your current page, total reading time, and estimated time remaining to finish. You might be surprised at how little time is left!

Start a Reading Session

Simply press “Start Reading” and enjoy your book with a delicious cup of coffee. The app will track your reading time, and when you finish, just set the page you read up to.

What Users are Saying

"I love how this app can track how fast i read and looks like apple designed it. However, i think it would be useful to have an estimated time for us to finish the book based off of how fast we are reading that book. Thanks for reading this."

by melania l

"I looove the app, maybe you can add reminders ! It can be so useful and will help us finish books easily ! Thank you"

by sliiiimaaaa

Contact me.

It all begins with an idea. Let’s build the best reading app, send me your feedback and I’ll be happy to improve the app for you!